In spite of much advancement over the last several decades, racial discrimination is a problem that persists in Florida workplaces. In a state such as Florida, where people of many different races, religions and backgrounds must work together side by side, problems continue to arise and discrimination cases continue to be filed victims. On a positive note, it appears that victims are less likely to stay quiet and more willing to assert their rights and obtain justice under the law.
Recently, three former Target employees have brought discrimination claims against the company regarding a training document that Target sent to managers. The former employees claim that the document made racially discriminating statements referencing that Hispanics are not all taco eaters, sombrero wearers, salsa dancers and other such statements. The document also made some generalizing statements about the differences between Cubans and Mexicans which could be construed as offensive and discriminatory in nature.
The lawsuit, although filed in California, may resonate with many Floridians because of our state’s many Latino residents. At this time, a target representative has refused to comment on the lawsuit saying that the company has yet to receive it. The non-profit group LATISM stated online that it was disturbing to think a company such as Target, which is generally so well-received, might have an ugly face in private.
Many Florida residents encounter racism and discrimination at their place of employment every single day. Sometimes the racism may be happening under the surface and it is difficult to detect. Other times, it may be blatant, involve name-calling, insults, the loss of one’s job or even physical abuse. No one should have to suffer the effects of racism while they are trying to perform their job duties and earn a living for themselves and their families. Fortunately, powerful state and federal laws exist to protect individuals from this kind of discrimination and compensation may be available to victims.
Source: Huffington Post, “Target Reminded Bosses Not All Hispanic Employees Eat Tacos, Wear Sombreros: Lawsuit,” Kim Bhasin, July 9, 2013