Florida residents who lose their jobs often feel angry and upset. Many may wonder whether they have a legal claim against the employer who...
Wrongful Termination
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What is wrongful termination?
If you lost your job in a way that seems capricious, arbitrary or unfair, you may be wondering if you have a wrongful termination case. In...
Whistleblowers need a strong legal ally by their side
For the majority of people, the days, weeks and months spent at a job pass rather uneventfully with duties being performed and paychecks...
What you need to know about at-will employment — II
In a previous post, we discussed how the majority of employees across the U.S. are presumed to be at-will, meaning their employers are...
What you need to know about at-will employment
Many people understandably take immense pride in their work. Indeed, they may consider themselves as nothing less than model employees...